WCSE 2020 | June 19-21, Virtual Conference

2020 the 10th International Workshop on Computer Science and Engineering (WCSE 2020) with workshop the 8th ICITS, the 6th ICDPA and 5th ICEEI was held via online successfully during June 19-21, 2020. This year, the conference was hosted by East China Normal University, China Agricultural University, Science and Engineering Institute, organized by School of Computer Science and Technology, co-sponsored by University of Houston-Downtown, USA, Shanghai Maritime University, China, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Russia, Tokyo University of Science, Japan. More than 120 participants from 10 countries join and exchange their latest research. Special appreciation extends to all conference committees.

6月19-21日,历时三天,第十届计算机科学与工程国际会议(WCSE 2020)与其研讨会,第八届信息技术与科学(ICITS 2020), 第六届数据处理与应用国际会议( ICDPA 2020)以及 第五届电子工程与信息国际会议(ICEEI 2020) 成功落下帷幕
此次会议由 华东师范大学,中国农业大学,美国科学工程协会主办,华东师范大学计算机科学与技术学院承办,美国休斯敦大学,上海海事大学,莫斯科鲍曼国立技术大学,东京理工大学联合支持。有来自10多个国家的120参加了线上会议。 在此特别感谢组委会及成员的大力支持。


Conference Proceedings (ISBN: 978-981-14-4787-7) (EI Compendex, Scopus Indexed successfully)


Conference Inform

    After the conference test, the 10th WCSE 2020 start on June 20 morning. Prof. Aiming Zhou delivered an opening remarks. Prof. Zhu Han, University of Houston, USA (IEEE Fellow), Prof. Koichi Asatani, Shanghai University, China (IEEE Fellow and IEICE Fellow) and Prof. Hong Lin, University of Houston-Downtown, USA delivered keynote speeches.

经过6月19日一整天的线上会议功能测试,6月20日,WCSE 2020 正式拉开帷幕。
华东师范大学计算机科学与技术学院院长周爱民教授致开幕词,周爱民教授对参会者表示热烈的欢迎,对大会的协助单位,委员会成员表示感谢、对大会的召开表示衷心祝愿。大会主席,来自华东师范大学的续晋华教授参与本次线上开幕。与此同时,来自美国休斯顿大学的ZHU HAN 教授,上海大学的Koichi Asatani教授以及美国休斯顿大学城中校区的Hong Lin教授分别作出精彩绝伦的主旨报告

On June 20 afternoon, parallel sessions was held until June 21, and main disscussed about Electronics and Communication Engineering, Computer and Information Science, Advanced Information Theory and Technology, Computer Vision and Image Processing, Neural Network and Intelligent Computing, Computer Theory and System, Software and Data Engineering etc. 10 best oral presenters was selected after each sessions. Congratulations.
