Special Session 1: Human-Centered Computing

Chair: Prof. Hong Lin, University of Houston-Downtown, USA
Co-chair: Assc. Prof. Qiu Wang, Syracuse University, USA

This track aims to serve as a forum for researchers in human-centered computing, affective computing, emotional intelligence, internet of things, genomic analysis, eHealth, and artificial intelligence in human-aspect areas, to disseminate their research ideas, discuss potentials of research methodologies, and cultivate possibilities of academic exchange and collaborations. Faculty and students in various areas of science, engineering, education, and humanities are welcome to use this platform to present their research results and seek in-depth insights into research topics through academic exchange and discussions. Research topics in inter-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary areas are especially welcome to be brought to this forum.

* Submit Papers Now
http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=wcse2025 (.pdf only)
a. An easychair account first.
b. Please choose session I when submit the paper.
c. Any questions, please send email to: wcse@sciei.org.