WCSE 2024 | June 19-21, 2024, Phuket Island, Thailand

2024 the 14th International Workshop on Computer Science and Engineering (WCSE 2024) was held in Phuket Island, Thailand during June 19-21, 2024. Sponsored by Science and Engineering Institute, USA, Sensors and Systems Society, Singapore, Agricultural University, China, co-sponsored by University of Houston-Downtown, USA, Shanghai Maritime University, China, Bauman State Technical University, Russia.

Conference Inform

WCSE 2024 was a great chance for sharing the latest insights of academic and industrial research, bringing together interested academics and industry experts. We hope that you had a productive and fun-filled time at this very special conference. We had a great line-up of keynote speakers and invited speakers including:

• Keynote Speaker: Prof. Minghua Chen, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China with speech Synthesizing Distributed Algorithms for Combinatorial Network Optimization

• Keynote Speaker: Prof. Xiaoli Li, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore with speech Harnessing the Power of AI: Transforming Industries Through Advanced Computer Science and Engineering

• Invited Speaker: Prof. Bruno Carpentieri, Università di Salerno, Italy with speech Data Compression Does Not Only Compress Data

• Invited Speaker: Prof. Sanghyuk Lee, New Uzbekistan University, Uzbekistan with speech Decision Making with Iterative Game with Semi-Perfect Information

• Invited Speaker: Assoc. Prof Amirrudin Kamsin, University Malaya, Malaysia with speech Challenges in Blended Learning

Then parallel sessions was held until, and main discussed about Design and Development of Image-based Information Systems; Model Design, Algorithm Optimization, and System Evaluation in Advanced Electronics and Information Systems; Modern Information Networks and Security; Modern Power Systems and Energy Engineering; Software and Mobile Information System Design; Data Based Computational Models and Information Management;
Data based image models and detection techniques. One best presentation will be selected from each session, evaluated from: originality; applicability; technical Merit; qualities of PPT; English.

Session 1: Naoki Takamatsu, Shibaura Institute of Technology

Session 2: Chenguang Xin, North University of China

Session 3: Bundit Manaskasemsak, Kasetsart University

Session 4: Xiaofeng Zhang, Zhejiang University

Session 5: Amirkia Rafiei Oskooei, Yildiz Technical University

Session 6: Yar Zar Tun, Thammasat University

Session 7: John Paul Tomas, Mapua University



Conference Proceedings

to be announced soon......